Neko and the Blender
A 6-day production of the Fourth GameJam 'JuicyJAM' for Game Designing course.
你需要将猫猫指定的物品利用榨汁机“榨”出来,至于榨汁机的配方…… 我不知道喵!我只是一只小猫咪喵!我都不管喵!
You need to use the Blender to extract the items specified by the Cat. As the extraction formula of the Blender... I don't know! I'm just a CAT! MEEEEOOW!
策划 / Game Design:@WataRiN
美术 / Art:@Melatonin麻辣烫
文案 / Scripts:@RoosterWho
程序 / Program:@北殿鸮
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